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Paint For Ceilings

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jesmond | 19:05 Mon 14th Oct 2019 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
I think its preferencial choice but been asked my opinion on whether to use matt or silk white emulsion on ceilings so any opinions/advice appreciated


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If the plaster finish is flawless then use either....if its not then it should be matt.IMO
What surface is it? Is it flat or textured?

Matt paint is better at hiding any uneven surfaces. Silk has more of a sheen, better for cleaning but not as forgiving with lumps and bumps.
Discussed here, with matt being the preferred option for most people:
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Its an existing white painted ceiling that needs a freshen up apparently
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Matt sounds like the fave
I like silk. But if it isn't appreciated one can always make the second coat matt.
I'd go for matt then. Happy painting, it's on my jobs to do this week :-(
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Well as long as im not asked to help her then thats ok but ive been looking at my own place and if i start now i might be finished for christmas
My ceilings need doing - looking for some anti-gravity paint to avoid all the drips!
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Paint For Ceilings

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