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Shower Problem

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Bettypat | 09:17 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | Home & Garden
27 Answers
I have recently had my bathroom revamped and the bath taken out and a shower tray and shower run from my Worcester Bosh combiboiler. A seat has been put in as my sister cannot stand under the shower as she has severe balance problems. However, the water is running hot and cold and I do not know whether it is a shower problem or boiler problem. The supplier tells me that these bar showers fluctuate in temperature, but surely this cannot be right.


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We need to know the exact shower model
09:35 Sun 20th Oct 2019
I have a thermostatic controlled Mira, direct connection to hot on combi, along with cold feed, it was an expensive one, but have had no problems at all in eleven years, and still going strong. The only other problem one may have with this type of shower going hot and cold is the plate to plate heat exchanger being blocked up on the boiler its self, or the plates have closed up. No one as come back as to hot water from the tap?????
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Thank you all for your answers, you have all been very helpful.
Best wishes Bettypat. Let us know how issues get resolved.

We're having exactly this problem and it's boiler related. It's cutting on and off on the hot water side only leading to some interesting moves in the mornings.

The experts are on their way tomorrow, I'll try to get some info from them
If the other hot taps are ok then it will be the mixer valve cartridge in the bar.
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My shower model is Inta Kiko single outlet bar shower
Evening all.

British Gas operative arrived this evening and after much deliberation diagnosed the problem as "a sensor".
Not as he first thought "a faulty circuit board".

Unluckily for me he was one of the new breed of fresh-faced engineers, recently trained in the art of giving nowt away so the public keep paying the premiums.

I realise this is of no help in answering the question posed but at least we can be clean again. :-)

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