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old glue on floorboards!

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katiesara | 20:27 Wed 11th Sep 2002 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I have started to peel away an old carpet, to reveal what looks to be very good boards underneath - the carpet glue is remaining though - any way other than sanding to get it off?


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If the glue will melt, you could try this - it is the same method used for removing molten wax from a surface without scrtching it off.

Place several layer of absorbent paper or cloth on top of the glue (newspaper is fine for way - not sure about your glue) Place a hot iron on top of the and press down firmly. The heat should melt the glue which is then absorbed by the paper/material, leaving you with bare board - rubbing with white spirit or similar shoudl remove and ingrained glue.
If it's double sided tape (as used on foam-backed carpets), I found a hot-air gun melts it sufficiently to scrape off.

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old glue on floorboards!

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