Is there anything further I can do to stop the flies laying eggs under the lid of my wheelie bin? Last week, the bin was emptied and because our 'wheelie washer man' is unwell at the moment,we washed it out with some Jeyes fluid and a broom.
However, each evening, after seeing flies around the bin all day, I have had to wash the bin lid because the flies have laid eggs all around the top. I use Zoflora and then put the cloth in the bin. So far, no maggots but the eggs are bad enough. :-(
Any suggestions?
Too windy for fly spray.
I'd better get used to doing that then, Mallyh. My wheelie washer man is going to be incapacitated for quite a while and I don't want to replace him whilst he's ill.
to wash i boil a couple of kettles and put disinfectant in bin ,swirl around with a brush including round the lid and outside of bin tip water away and turn bin upside down to dry x
The reason the flies are attracted to the bin in the first place, is purely because of the contents of the bin.
Instead of putting bits of leftover meat directly into your bin. Why not put it in a bag and then into the freezer, where you can store it until the binmen are due. No rotting meat means no attraction for the flies.
I do put it in a bag, Alava. I never put food straight into the bin without it being bagged up. I use compostable caddy bags. Maybe they are breaking down in the bin if the have liquid in them?
The freezing bit sounds like a good idea. Thanks for that.
I have to use communal bins. If I have any meat...raw or be binned, I freeze the bits.
I'd rather not think of what the bottom of these huge bins are like :((...though the storage area is pretty fly free.