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Tiny Hoover

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jennyjoan | 20:36 Sun 23rd Jan 2022 | Home & Garden
25 Answers
Bought this for sister (a wee cheapie)

VYTRONIX CSU600 Upright Corded Vacuum Cleaner | Lightweight 2-in-1 Stick & Handheld Vacuum | Powerful 600W Motor

and likes it - she has had many many hoovers over the years but they're all to heavy for her to lift.

Now I have some wee thing like the link - but my whole vacuum remains (all in one) you know handle, attached to rubbish barrel, to floor.

But I have used hers and the barrel (ie the dustbin) keeps twirling and twirling. Would this be correct.

I have only a few days to send it back but don't know if it is broke or not. Anybody tell if it is.


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It's not obligatory Baz.
verb [ I or T ] UK
UK /ˈhuː.vər/ US /ˈhuː.vɚ/

to use a vacuum cleaner (= a machine that sucks up dust and dirt) to clean floors and other surfaces:
He was busy hoovering the bedroom carpet when I got home.
I hoovered this morning.
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Just a wee mention. Bought another two. And they twirl but worth it for the lightweight and suction
Thanks for the update jj, I might get one myself :)
JJ, you can email them about the spinning bit here

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