If you are hoovering and leave it on the run but you know staying at the one spot whilst you perhaps you do another quick job - like running up the stairs quickly to turn off a tap (something quick) - is that bad for your hoover.
thanks jno but I did do this last week with a new hoover - came downstairs went onto hoover when smoke came out of the hoover and of course broke down.
Well with some type then yes it couldld cause a prolem. I know my cordless stick would have a meltdown. When it's sucking in one place then by not being moved it won't be able to draw enough air in and will get hot and bothered.
well Prudie may I ask the make of yours as my cousin and few friends (what is left of them) have dyson cordless and you have to constantly have to keep your finger on the trigger and I do have puny little hands and arms (hands haven't grew from I was about nine years old)