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Any Ideas For Working Out With No Gym Access?

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drobi619 | 03:37 Fri 07th Oct 2022 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
I want to start working out up to 5 days a week. There is time in the afternoon I have that would be perfect for this up to 3 hours. Any good ideas? I am down to do anything you suggest, as I have access to the room in my apartment to work out and outside, even in the cold and snow.

I am looking at losing weight and getting definition. If that also means restricting my diet, then I am all for that. Please, I just need ideas and help to get a foot in the door to build the motivation I need to start working out regularly. I also live 500m or 3.5km from where I work, depending on which location I am working at that day.


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Is the floor in your room strong enough for weights?
Will you be training alone?
Why no gym access?
Do you have shower facilities at work?
Walk and cycle everywhere you can.

Sorry, Khandro, yoga will not do it.
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My mum did Yoga for over 40 years, she was as fit as anything. It was only after she got dementia that she stopped.
Yoga is good for physical & mental health but other exercise regimes will produce better body shaping/building results.
some people don't know how tough yoga can be, it's a lifelong practice.
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