Washing Machines in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Washing Machines

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jennyjoan | 07:38 Thu 22nd Jun 2023 | Home & Garden
12 Answers
Are there such a thing as a washing machine that can rise up for washing to be placed as I am find it difficult with my back to bend down and insert and retrieve washing from the machine. Thank for any answers.
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Get a handyman to make a plinth to put it on
No. Would a pair of laundry tongs help, like we used to use for twin tubs?
How about sitting on a stool?
Would that be the plinth of Tide?
Some machines are stackable with a tumble drier, so you should be able to buy a framework somewhere.
A plinth would be the ideal solution assuming it is not under a worktop.
You can buy them for about £60 if you can't find anyone to make one
OG, my tumble dryer is stacked on my washing kit but it just has a fixing kit, no framework
There are reasons that washing machines sit on the floor and tumble dryers go on top when stacking.

Imagine your poorly balanced load in spin mode making the machine take a stroll from the glorified shelf.
Are they not fixed in place ?
Yes top loader washing machines on Amazon £300. Must US machines are top loaded.
My first thoughts were top-loader or plinth...but a plinth would need to be pretty strong as washers can be very heavy.
Hinge, purpose built plinths are very good, some washing machine manufacturers make them
Hinge? Ginge, flipping auto correct

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