My daughter Clara is 1‘5“ tall and 17 pounds because of her dwarfism, she is six years old.
Do y’all have any suggestions for how Clara can set up on the furniture more easily? Right now we mainly just pick her up and put her on the furniture (couch, chair, bed, etc.). She can climb up, she is just barely able to do it though, the furniture is really tall for her. Do you have any suggestions so she could more easily get up on the furniture herself?
Also when she is, it is normally all way too big for given that the furniture is just regular furniture. I don’t know if there is a solution to this but is there a way to make it fitting to Clara’s size?
Thank you for the group listed in my last post. I will look at it again, from what it appeared I had to pay. But I will look at it further. I just wanted to ask this question in the meantime.
Pasta, it was only in a documentary that it said this, but I should imagine parents would suss this out earlier than that.
I think the reason Sarah is asking these questions now is because her daughter Clara wants more independence and Sarah is wondering how she can give this to her.
I don't ever remember anyone on here asking similar questions, and this is why I think Sarah would be better off asking and seeking advice near to where she lives.