Motoring0 min ago
Dirty Kitchen Floor
My kitchen floor is dirty,with grease(?) and general wear and tear.I have cleaned half of it with a diluted solution of water/thick bleach.However this is a strenous thing to do, and on my hand and kness is not food at 76!
Can anyone suggested a mop/brush/cleaner that I can use(standing up).It would need to be quite abrasive,to cut through the greasy dirt layer.
I do have a strong "home help" (twice a week) supplied by Social Services,but don't want to discourage him,by giving him difficult jobs!
Scrubber Gordon.LOL
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Steam floor mops are very good, like this: User Recommendationref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1LKOE2C9A486G&keywords=steam%2Bmop&qid=1706792668&sprefix=steam%2Bmop%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.d7e5a2de-8759-4da3-993c-d11b6e3d217f&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
This is exactly what your home help should be doing but if you insist on doing it yourself I strongly advise you not to use washing up liquid, your floor could end up like an ice rink.
Any mop, very hot water and a floor cleaner will do the job. If there are small patches of dirt / grease use any kitchen spray on those, leave 10 minutes or so before mopping. Be careful not to slip on the sprayed areas.
But really your home help should do it
Because my late partner did all the cooking,I was banned from the kitchen,and now he is gone I notice just how bad it is!
My home is rented,and as I may be going into sheltered housing,I will leave it to the landlord,if they want to change the kitchen flooring.
Well, I cleaned half the floor(before I got a home help very recently) but need the other half cleaned.I will propose it to the guy,he is very amenable,so watch this space!"LOL
The steam mop is a wonderful thing,but compoletely out of range,as I am a pesioner.
But thanks anyway for the idea.
I shall investigate Mr. Muscle & Cilit Bang too.
I recently spilt grease on my (ceramic tile) kitchen floor, and although 82 I did manage hands and knees with diluted washing up liquid, then sponge rinse followed by kitchen towel final finish - but you're right, H&K is a pain (even though I use a cushion).
Pre-treatment consisted of sheets of newspaper well trodden for 24 hours to remove the bulk of the grease.
I've used this treatment several times in the past and never had a skating rink problem (but it is essential to check this after paper towel phase).