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col72 | 20:01 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
10 Answers

getting a dry nose/sinuses off log burner what size humidifier would be best for a 3 bedroom house or any other solution for the problem 



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What wood are you burning

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kiln dried hardwood 

Your burner will dry the house out.

Sorry I read dehumidfier!!!

Johnk, he wants a humidifier, not a dehumidifier.

Johnk, sorry, I'm on my phone and didn't scroll down enough 🥴

The article is not just about bedrooms

Have you thought about putting an old fashioned kettle, large teapot or similar on top or near your log burner? I would try that before shelling out on a humidifier.  

You can buy non-electric fans designed to sit on top of your log burner to distribute the heat - it would also distribute the moisture.  This sort of thing

In the bedrooms, make sure the trickle vents are open overnight; if your windows don't have them just crack the windows open a bit. Ventilation will help.

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