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Baxi Boilers

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Bazile | 21:15 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

On the front of my boiler it says baxi 800

On the warranty registration confirmation , it says Baxi 830 combi 2

Are they two different boilers? 



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'Baxi 800' is the name of a range of boilers from Baxi, whereas the Baxi 830 is one of three different boilers within that range.  (They probably all have 'Baxi 800' on the front but the warranty card will show the exact model).

Scroll down to 'What other Baxi 800 options are available?' here:

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When I click the link, it says ' your connection is not safe ' and it doesn't open 

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//your connection is not private ' //

^^^ Odd!  It's an 'https' URL (rather than an 'http' one), so I wouldn't expect any such warning message to appear.  (The link works for me).

Screenshot here, anyway:

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Baxi Boilers

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