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Leaky Window

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barry1010 | 09:41 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Had huge rain and hail storm yesterday, the gutter was overflowing so it was hitting the small window above my large window like a waterfall.

A very small leak, just a trickle from the smaller pane. Is it worth worrying about at this point? 

I know my gutters are clear and normally they cope with the rain.



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We had overflowing gutters yesterday - no sign of water getting in (yet) though. It was exceptional.

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I like to keep on top of maintenance but hoping I can leave it for a while

I agree with you on keeping on top of maintenance, barry but if the rain you had where you live was anything like one particular cloudburst we had in Reading I think I'd put it down to a one-off and look again next time it rains.

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Thanks, bhg.  

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Leaky Window

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