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A Late Good Morning Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 09:07 Mon 25th Nov 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Was waiting for a heating engineer to turn up early, which they did - bout 8am. Our heating & hot water had suddenly become so hot that I actually burnt my arm on the bathroom towel rail and took the skin off. So he's turned up and said that all thermostats or whatever were on max and shud be much much lower. Asked if we'd altered them - no. Very odd. Anyway they have been adjusted now so hopefully we will be able to run the hot tap now without fear of scalding, and lean on a radiator and keep our flesh lol! 
No rain this morn at last, and some blue sky - but yet still pretty windy and mild. Could be a good day for washing on the line?

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Morning Smow and all who follow. I'm glad your heating has been sorted Smow, I know how dependent most of ur are these days. We managed to keep the fire ticking over overnight so we are nice and warm.

We have blue skies at the moment. After my early morning cry, I feel a bit more energised now,unlike the last many months so I am going to try and take advantage of it and get off my a**e while it lasts

Have a happy day everyone


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Hope that you have a good day Rosetta. A little bit of blue sky & sunshine perks most of us up I think.

Good morning all. Blue skies and sunshine here, and it feels warmer. Had a nice lazy day yesterday and feel I should do something constructive, but apart from the garden everything is up to date. I just cannot face the garden, I seem to do more harm than good. Have a good day all.

So Smow ....... can you run the hot tap without fear of scalding?

Good Morning Smow and Rosetta.

Just put my washing on the line. It's a beautiful day.

Good morning everyone. It was lovely to wake to bright blue skies this morning. Still very blowy out, so I'll stay in again today. I should have hoovered yesterday...half price electric...but didn't, so that's a chore for today.

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A Late Good Morning Monday Birds!

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