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Cheaper to Switch Off or Leave On Computer?

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smurfchops | 16:45 Fri 13th Jan 2006 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
Is it cheaper to leave my home computer on all day, electricity wise, or better to switch it on and off three or four times a day, when I use it ?


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There are some electrical devices which use significantly more electricity at start-up than during operation (e.g. fluorescent lights) but computers don't feature among them.

Turn it off!

It's the same as any electrical appliance, it's burning money whenever it's on.
.......on the other hand, most electrical component failures occur at power on time, so your computer is less likely to develop a (costly) hardware fault.
judiewudie - since my electricity bill arrived this morning I've been pondering the same thing. :-(
Did you get your bill too?
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Not yet, I am quite dreading it, what with all the publicity about prices going up, and using so much gas and electricity this quarter .. I'll be on beans on toast for a month I think.

i was told by a computer technician (and friend) that its better to leave it on, as turning it on and off too often can cause system problems, as someone mentioned, and as there is a power-up surge it probably cancels out the time its off anyway, same with lights and some appliances.

i suppose it depends on how many times and for how long each time - no point in turning it off for an hour, but maybe for 6-7 hours - and if you are going out it may be best off.

i would rather a slightly raised bill than a problematic computer

Any startup surge current is only momentary and accounts for only a few seconds longer running. Problems arising when starting are as a result of an existing problem. You wouldn't leave your car running in case it wouldn't start. However, best to do all your work in one hit and switch off until the next day.
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Thanks everyone !

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Cheaper to Switch Off or Leave On Computer?

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