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Rainy days

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anothermark | 18:23 Wed 27th Dec 2000 | Home & Garden
1 Answers
After all the rain of recent months I'm dying to get back into my fledgling garden. Can you suggest some jobs for colder months?


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It may be cold and wet, but there is plenty for the hardy gardener to be getting on with during the colder months. November / early december is an ideal time to plant fruit trees and roses, while the latter can be cut well back to avoid wind damage. You could also consider planting tulips, and plenty of them, and in the vegetable garden you can plant your own garlic by pushing individual cloves into the ground about 7 inches apart. If you've got heavy soil, dig it over roughly to allow the frost to break down big lumps, and, if temperatures are starting to dip, protect evergreens outside in containers from frost by wrapping them in horticultural fleece, bubble wrap or even straw.

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Rainy days

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