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Fences - Who owns what?

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jennifer_cro | 00:37 Wed 22nd Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
We have a small garden that is fenced in with neighbours either side. One side of the fence needs repairing, which we are quite happy to do, but I wonder who owns which side??


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The usual way to tell the ownership of fences is to look at the fence posts.

If the posts are on your side it's yours, if they are on next doors side they are not.

When i look out of my back door the fence on the left is mine and on the right its my neighbours, i dont know if this is the standard rule...

no, there isn't a standard rule, there is also the issue of who has historically taken responsibility for repairs. Your house papers might tell you more. The fence post rule is usually right but not always.

this is a helpful site if you live in the uk

One quick way to see is, if you have a copy of your deeds with the boundaries drawn, the boundary line should have a small arrowhead along it. Whichever way the arrow is pointing, details who has ownership of that boundary/fence.

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Fences - Who owns what?

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