Leather suite in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Leather suite

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Tillyella | 21:44 Mon 13th Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Having recently bought a leather suite I find that it comes complete without castors and it's so heavy it's impossible to move. Has anyone had a similar problem, I would appreciate some advice.
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If you have a wooden floor there are some silicone strips that you can attatch ( self adhesive ) to make it nudgeable for floor cleaning. I got some from Lakeland, but have since seen similar in flooring shop and I think Woolies.
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Thanks for your reply sense4all. I have'nt actually seen what you're talking about but I'll scout around. Thanks again.

hi b&q do soft round pads which u stick on to the bottom of your furniture,makes it easy to move,although i have wooden flooring!hope this may be helps

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Thanks Heraldo appreciate reply.

Hi again Tillyella - I have a retail update for you......

I was in Robert Dyas yesterday and they have the very thing I was telling you about (although mine were oblong and these were round ) they are called slider gliders. They work because the smooth surface means no friction. Our old sofa was a three seater and had a huge metal frame to operate the recliner I couldn't even nudge it before these babys were stuck on!

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Thank you so much sense4all I really do appreciate your efforts on my behalf. We have a Robert Dyas not too far away so I'll make it a priority. Hope I can help you one day.

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