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Building regs for landing size

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rkerr | 16:17 Fri 24th Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Can anyone tell me what is the minimum size for a landing (i.e. from the top of the stairs to the nearest door), or alternatively, the distance between the last step and the nearest door opening. Thanks.


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Its gone 24hr and no-one's had a go yet. This sort of detail is covered by Building Regulations which are available from the ODPM website (see below for details). Part K deals with prevention of falls and collision. The relevant paragraphs are at 1.15 to 1.17, in case you need the reference. There are some diagrams there if you can't make sense of my words.

It basically says that the landing should be at least as wide and as long as the width of the stairs (flight), both top and bottom. There should be no permanent obstacles in these areas of the landings. A door may swing across the BOTTOM of a flight, provided at least 400mm is left between the base stair and the area swept by the door. You can't do that at the top though. The only concession at the top is that a cupboard door may open into the top landing area, provided the minimum distance of 400mm from the top step is maintained.

Sorry, forgot to mention that this only applies if you are building anew or modifying your house. I would hate all those ABers to read this and think that their little old cottage is illegal.
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Thanks for that buildersmate, you have been really useful.
Landing must be minimum same as the width of the step/stair. So if the staip width is 900mm, the answer to your question is min. 900mm

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