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Cherry Tree

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SuzySues | 21:46 Fri 31st Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
3 Answers

My darling son brought hubs and me a fruiting cherry tree for our anniversary. It is 7ft now & can grow to 20ft. It says you can plant it in the ground or in a pot. I would really like to plant it in a pot so we can move it if we want & maybe contain it, as I don't really want a 20ft tree!!! Is this ok?

Any hints or tips on this would be welcome. Thanks.



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I think any tree really would be more happy in the ground. Cherries have a shallow root system that like to spread wide in nutrient rich top layers of the soil, having said that it is entirely possible to grow it for many years in a large pot, with careful pruning at the desired height during its dormant period preferably in the autumn,whan any fear of frost is unlikely, this action of reducing the branches will also have a miniatureising effect on the roots too and should survive happilly for many years if you prune it annualy or when nessessary, a feed of slow release fertilizer about every 6 weeks should keep it ticking along nicely Good Luck. Ps if its an autumn flowering one, you can prune once its blossomed.
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Thank you Thunderbird, that is really helpful! Maybe in a few years we will plant it in the ground, but have only lived in our house for 8 months so are still in the planning stages of our gardens. It would look lovely in our front garden, but we can't see the front garden from the house, so wouldn't get the benefit of its beauty.
Yes, I think you are wise to plan early and carefully which can save a lot of heart ache later on. may I wish you many happy days in your new garden.

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