growing veg in pots in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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growing veg in pots

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Minxie | 23:37 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | Home & Garden
7 Answers

can you grow vegetables in pots? I dont have a big garden, so pots is the only way of growing veg. Is it possible, and what would you recommend?

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Yes, of course you can. Think of a pot as a growbag, but smaller. Root vegetables like swede and parsnip, or potato, would take up a lot of space inside a pot, and wouldn't be very practical. So I'd suggest something like tomato, sweet pepper, or cucumber. And there's lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. These all can be decorative as well as practical. (And don't forget strawberries!)
Last year we grew carrots, parsnips, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes and "cut and come again" lettuce. This year we'll be growing all the above as well as peas, broad beans and runner beans. All will be in pots of various sizes but the spuds are grown in a potato barrel. Try and choose small or dwarf varieties, and don't forget to water them every day coz they get very thirsty.
Oh yes we are doing cauliflowers this year too!
I grew strawberries in pots with great success last year.
Have also grown runner beans in pots..you need quite a large pot and and a wigwam structure.Tomatoes and various other stuff ,carrots,herbs ,salad stuff. Hanging baskets are ideal for cherry tomatoes.
Check out the BBC..... container gardening..
http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/basics/techniques/growfru itandveg_cropsinpots.shtml
If you've got roomf or an old dustbin, fill it with compost and plant seed potatoes. You will get a surprisingly large crop from your bin.
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Thankyou for all your great replies. Got the kids involved too, so they are quite excited. Will let you all know later in year if anything manages to live!
Going off at a slight tangent here, I wonrder if anyone can say if those ornamental, colourful cabages are ok to eat ?

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growing veg in pots

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