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pitstopbunny | 12:51 Tue 16th May 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I have just moved house and I am currently on an electric meter, which is thankfully being being removed on Thursday! I only have �1.50 on it and I am not going to put any more money on it - yes, I'm being tight I know! Now, getting to the point, should the electric run out before Thursday at midday, how long will my freezer be safe before it starts to defrost - if I do not open it?


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The correct answer depends on very many variables such as insulation, type and size of freezer, how full, ambient temperature, etc., etc. However, to increase the length of time you can be without power put a blanket or two over it as soon as you are without power and even before but do not then cover any part that dissipates the cooling circuit heat (sometimes the sides of the freezer, sometimes an element with or without fan assistance) because this will economise and extend availability of the finite power supply. Open it as rarely and for the very minimum time possible.
I don't know how full your freezer is but if you're worried the electricity will run out before your meter is removed, fill the freezer as full as possible with scrumpled up old newspapers,old towels or half filled plastic bottles containing water which will freeze and expand. All these items will help to retain the low temperature for longer before things start to defrost. If the electricity runs out you should be safe for 24 hours if it's a big freezer and possibly longer if it's packed full.
Live dangerously and put another pound in!
if your meter gets below 50p put it on emergency, we had ours on emergency (ours had a little blue button to press) when they came to change ours but they never said a word, we were never asked to pay what we had used (which was almost all of the �5 emergency credit that was on it)

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