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Broken teapot handle

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Guinevere | 14:41 Tue 06th Jun 2006 | Home & Garden
2 Answers

Hello. Does anyone have any advice on how to mend my teapot handle? The handle is still attached but there is a crack all the way through. I am hoping some kind of glue would hold it but not sure which would be best.



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Can't advise on glue, but I would suggest you stop using it as a teapot - the last thing you need is for the handle to break (as it probably will eventually) when it's full of hot tea.
cryanoacrylate adhesives such as ''super glue'' work really well on ceramics and can be used to keep a item in complete condition but as mentioned above you should be very carefull about actually using it with hot water. If you can put your hands on an industrial grade of the glue it will be even stronger and then you could probably use the item normally.
What you have to do is open the crack ever so slightly by putting some pressure on the handle (don't break it off though) and then let the glue run into the crack.

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