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"Stick up bulbs"

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ali_alic | 16:46 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Just got back from the US and on their telly was an advert for "Stick up Bulbs" that are run off ordinary batteries. There is no facility on their website to buy one if you are in the UK (their address details section only allows US addresses) and there is no facilty on the web page to email them to ask if they ship to the UK. Desperate to have one of these. Any ideas or similar products available in the UK??


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Maplin have a battery cupboard lamp ; 3138&doy=search which does the same job - also get these at a lot of other outlets - Woolworths, DIY stores etc. Just isn't a 'bulb' shape.
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Superb - don't care about the shape just as long as there is enough light to see what I'm doing - thanks

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