They might germinate mimi but I suspect the light level would be too low for much of the day for them to successfully grow and fruit. Also, you might have a whitefly problem build up, and the tomatoes would be awfully tall for a kitchen windowsill. And my bet is that they would be tasteless.
I suspect night time temperatures would prevent any cucumbers from growing sucessfully in a protected frame although some garden centres sell these little plastic greenhouses which fit over a shelving frame for around �30 and you could experiment.
Personally,. I find that even the herbs like basil which I bring into the kitchen to over-winter grow very spindly and unhealthy looking.
I love to grow salads but in the winter I cut back on tasteless tomatoes andI now go for raw carrots, red cabbage or home-made coleslaw which seems to provide more crunch & flavour. .