My wife was lying on top of the bed fully clothed reading "My family and other animals" (rather ironically) to our littlest two, with the duvet wrapped tightly round her feet because her feet were cold. Suddenly my little girl pointed behind her head on the pillow where a HUGE spider apparently was scuttling and yelled "BIG SPIDER". My wife is petrified and stood up on the bed and tried to run off the end to safety forgetting that her feet were swaddled up in the duvet. She couldn't move her feet at all and fell off the end of the bed at speed landing on her head with her feet still on the bed and knocking herself unconscious.Lol
We then had to strip the whole room ( took until 2.00 am) to find it and it had disappeared somewhere inside the panelling so my wife is now sleeping in another bedroom, nursing her head until it makes a re-appearance and someone can catch it.
For all the fear and trouble they put us to, don't kill em, they're only trying to live, and they won't be around much longer.