I have recently moved house and the garden is full of a weed I have never come across before. Have looked it up on the net and I think it is called Horsetail or Marestail or something. Apparently it is impossible to get rid of. Does anyone know about this weed and how to at least weaken it. Have tried pulling it up but ir is so strong and as I have a back problem couldn't even begin to dig it up.
It is indeed very difficult to eradicate. It is I believe the oldest weed known to man - dating back to millions of years before the dinosours!!
The roots can grown to some fantastic lengths (5 miles)...Before covering with a systemic weedkiller, crunch the leaves in your hands to break them down. Don't attempt to just pull them out of the ground because it will just break at the root and cause more growth to occur.
Use a weedkiller with glyphosate. They will keep coming back, but if you persist it really does help. It helps if you crush them a little first in your hands.
Thanks for the information, good job the stuff doesn't look too awful, but I want to plant cuttings that are now mature enough to go out. Looks like they will have to be repotted and wait awhile.
Glenbarr, depending on what sort of size this covers, deffinitely try some good weed killer to deaden it, then cover the area with some fleece liner or some sort of covering, double thick bin liner will do so that the light cannot get to it and then bark chip it. It is well worth it.
We moved into our home 18months ago, the garden was covered with horsetail, we tried crushing it and then applying roundup, three treatments made not a scrap of difference! We have now covered it with very thick plastic and gravel, it still lives!! it creeps beneath the plastic and pushes the gravel up into little hills!! it pokes through wherever there is a chink of light, but at least it's no covering the whole garden now, I don't think we'll ever get rid of it!
Marestail is the devils own plant. My father in law sought advice from the RHS at Wisley, they advocated the crushing the leaves and weedkiller system (if you are unable to dig up the whole garden!)but it is still going strong!