Toilet in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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iluvmydog | 20:36 Thu 11th Jan 2007 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Are there any Health and safety issues regarding having a toilet next to a kitchen
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I know nothing of Scottish Regs, but if you are in England or Wales, you simply need one door and a hand basin in the toilet area.
Adequate ventilation by window or extractor is also essential.

Up until a few years ago you needed two doors between a kitchen and a toilet, but that is no longer the case.

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Thanks Ethel

Thats really helpful info


Interesting answer, Ethel - I was under the impression that it was against planning permission and health and safety to have kitchen/ bathroom adjacent ie with only one door in England ... but you always have supreme knowledge so thanks for correcting my impression. do you happen to know why the regulations changed?
I am to please luckyeight:

The Approved Document to Part G (para 1.2) of the Building Regulations simply says "A space containing a closet should be separated by a door from a space used for the preparation of food (including a kitchen and any space in which washing up is done)." There is no specific legal requirement for double doors.

You can find Approved Document G on the Planning Portal website (www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/professionals/en/) under Building Regulations > Building Act > Approved Documents (quick link).
Sorry - I meant I aim to please!

The Building Regulations 2000, Part G para 1.1 is the relevant authority, but I am not certain of the history of the double door requirement and when it was abolished.
You know your stuff on Building Regs, Ethel.

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