hi there you can dig up bamboo as i have done it with a really big one,but obviously if it is right next to other trees you have to be careful not to disturb there roots after saying that if th trees are not to big they will settle down again if you do dig and disturb then try and put some fish blood and bone meal in the ground because this helps the roots to form quicker and reastablish.Ther are also products like rootout available at gardn centres but you kill the plant by putting it on the top growth and you need more than application i my self have used caustic soda to kill plants you mix it in a watering can and throughly drench the roots you may need to do it a few times,the problem again is you must not get any on your tre roots personalloy i would dig it out and then reastalish your other trees if you cant get it all out or decide to killit with the products i have mentioned then dig round the roots making a ditch around the bamboo roots so as not to get any on other trees.If i can be of any further help you can email me on Paulmason57@hotmail.co.uk when i go to my allotment society i will look for any other products available and if you email i will send you info.Good luck i hope it works out for you. Paul