I have a courtyard garden so everything is in tubs, but was wanting to try to grow soft fruits. Is it possible to grow soft fruits in tubs? Or do they need a larger root area.
strawberrys will grow in tubs or hanging baskets, raspberry canes and blackcurrant bushes can be grown in half barrels, though raspberries fruit the second year, so are a long term thing, loganberriescan be grown in a full barrel, as can figs (they need to be root bound for good fruiting).
I have a dwarf cherry tree in a tub, I get only about a pound of fruit a year but it's fun and pretty, my local nursery sells dwarf peach and nectarine trees in tubs, they are 20 to 30 pounds each and have full size fruit, alas I lost mine to leaf curl and haven't lashed out for a replacement yet. If you get a Ken Muir brochure, he also has other soft fruit for tub cultivation, also apples and pears. One word of warnig, be prepared for LOADS of watering!!