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Pest Control

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Matheous | 22:26 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
Anyone ever used Electronic Pest-Control devices....? Were they effective and reliable?


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yes for mice and no it did not work.
A neighbor opposite swears by a solar powered sonic device that deters moles, although no personal experience..
we had a sonic thing for cats etc and it did deter them, but I could also hear it so it had to go (and my hearing is rubbish!)
yes we have a electonic mouse one and have not had any troube with mice since plugging it in,

As a professional pest controller I would advise you to save your money.

These electrical devices have a limited effectiveness, if your home has a mouse and you plug in the device it may be scared away, however if you have an infestation or your premises/home provide a better life for them than elsewhere they will simply get use to the noise.

I have used this once. But, to be very true, it is of no use. I would suggest you to take the help of the professional pest controllers in this regard. I am staying at Australia and have taken the help of them to get rid of the pest. You can log on to the below mention link. From them I took the help. The website is .
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