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Home Alarm

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Hughes 66 | 10:26 Sun 22nd Jul 2007 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Any ideas on how to reset the 4 No.digets on the house alarm.Previous owner has not used it and has forgot.At present if you try anything it asks for the 4 digit code.


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Hiya Hughe's 66
if you know the make of the alarm,you may be able to call out an engineer to get the system serviced .Also,if you tamper with the alarm,your insurance company will not regard it has a "maintained alarm" unless serviced by an approved company.good luck.
If you can get hold oft the installers wiring diagram/instruction booklet ( not the user manual ) there is usually a way to reset the unit back to factory conditions.
If you have a hoke on Google you may be able to download a copy.
As per Woodchopper. To reset in this way typically involves a hardware NVRAM reset, which will reset all the default settings for the complete alarm and will then involve setting everything back up again. You may be able to do this yourself but you are sure going to need the installers manual to help you. The hardware reset is typically a tiny push-button on the alarm PCB which is pressed with a pen top.
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Thanks for all your suggestions I'm working on the problem.will tell you if I do it.

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