Zero tolerance is great in theory but just consider the practicalities of this. Many food dishes, or confectionery, contain alcohol, albeit in small quantities. I am sure we can name hundreds, but for starters - coq au vin, sherry trifle, rum truffles, beef & ale pie, even over-ripe fruit. And you did say ANY alcohol, so eating a slice of Xmas cake could get you banned for life! Good idea eh? Also, consider someone who has a drink - say 2 glasses of wine. When are they safe to drive? 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours, 1 day. I would be surprised if anyone would know where they stand never mind everyone. I am totally opposed to drinking & driving but also to lowering the limit. It is the pi55ed up continual offender who we should concentrate on getting off the road. not the poor sap who had a half of lager the previous evening, or a glass of wine at lunch 5 hours ago. And for info, the current measure does account for many of the factors you mentioned. The rate of absorption of alcohol is influenced by your stomach contents, and the level of alcohol in your blood varies with the amount of blood, and so body mass. It doesn't reflect tolerance (I guess) but it isn;t perfect. Low tolerance means you are probably less likely to take a chance anyway!