calling all plumbers in The AnswerBank: DIY
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calling all plumbers

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worfman | 22:58 Sat 22nd Sep 2007 | DIY
4 Answers
i've just removed a radiator, i want to cut the inletpipe below ground level i dont want to bleed the system . is there a way i can cap the pipe work with out bleeding the system. all pipe work is below ground levellast time i done this i cauld a plumber and i think he tied up the inlet pipe to the header tank to cause a vacum , any help welcome


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sorry put in the wrong place
the safest way of doing this is to drain the whole system. upon refilling you would have to vent air from all the radiators and the pump, there is usually vents as part of the pipework next to the hot water cylinder too.
what the plumber you used before did was to create a vacumn with a "bung kit", bunging the open vent and the outlet from the header tank, also tying up the ballcock to the header tank or turning the mains water off just in case the vacumn doesn't hold. there is a real risk that the vacumn may not hold so its best to work as fast as you can. you would also have to use compression fittings when re-arranging your pipework as you cannot solder with water in the pipes.
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cheer's gucciman, had a go on sunday, got a little bit wet, i used one of those push on plastic fitting's seem's like a good thing. cheer's again. worfman
your welcome, i'm currently working with my dad retraining to be a heating engineer and i have got very wet on occasions, we live and learn!

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