My yukka recently got transplanted from Cumbria to Yorkshire and is pining (for the fjords probably). Should i tell it to 'buck up sonny' or do something about the homesickness?
I can see you have a severe problem apricot. Are there not any Help Groups in your area that concentrate specifically with Yucca Counselling? If not why not start one up yourself as I'm sure others would benefit from what seems to be a huge gap in the market.
Thanks for your responses folks i have started wispering sweet nothings to it and it has perked up no end. I have decided to set up a counselling group here in Yorkshire called "Ey up mi Yukka's feelin' ower strange (On Ilkley moor b'aht 'at.....)" to help combat the rising trend of homesick yukkas. ps who is Darth? :-)