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Which paint remover?

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maxiewaxie | 14:42 Sat 26th Jan 2008 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
My interior window sills are in need of repainting and the paintwork is very flaky so I want to remove it, I've been reommended Eco Solutions Paint and varnish remover - does anyone know if this is good?
Also what is a good cleaner for pvc frames that have yellowed?

many thanks


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I used a more environmentally friendly paint & varnish remover some months ago & it was very good although it took a lot longer to dissolve the paint so if this is the paint remover you are talking about then yes, its good but be patient! other chemical paint strippers like Nitromors are quick but then you have the awful fumes & personally being asthmatic thats no good for me! as for yellowed pvc frames I don't think there is much you can do to restore them back to white but have a go with Astonish paste cleaner which you could buy a tub in Wilkinsons or Home & Bargain for about 90p - brilliant stuff!
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Thank you, I'll give it a try.
paint removal not needed unless you want to stain, scrape worst off then sand well, if using stripper still got to sand anyway so no need. as for your windows there is not a lot you can do because the sun causes it to go yellow and any no matter which cleaning materials used speed up the discolouration process (fact!) the only way to care for upvc is to wash reguarlly with a very mild non abrasive cleaning solution. you can use acetone pvc cleaner or you can get pvc cream cleaners but both in the long run make it worse sorry for the bad news but in my eyes upvc windows/doors are the worst invention ever i make and fit bespoke timer frame windows and doors and they last a lot longer than upvc if looked after

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