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mortgage advice

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chimpy | 12:03 Sun 01st Aug 2004 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
does anyone know if you can apply for a mortgage if you have defaulted in 1996...i.e..gave the keys back due to negative equity...the building society were paid out with a mortgage there a time span over which these sort of debts are wiped clean....?


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Contact experian or equifax to get a copy of your credit file to see if there's any mention of it there : this should cost only �2 or so. Also, it may be worthwhile going to a different lender. Even if nothing shows up in a credit search then the original lender may keep a record of it anyway (although there may be a time limit on how long they're permitted to do this - possibly 6yrs but I'm really not sure). Or you could just phone a lender and ask them the same general question without committing to a credit search.
You could ask your local citizens advice centre, they are very knowledgeable and free! Good Luck whatever happens.

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