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It's for my mum to get in/out of the bath. It has to be non-drill and non-suction. I bought a suction handle but it won't adhere. Thank you! πŸšΏπŸ›€. Any ideas would be gratefully received.
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Hi everyone! 🌟
Lately, I’ve been searching for a good sofa that’s stylish, comfortable, and reasonably priced (honestly, my wallet is crying right now πŸ˜…). I’ve looked around, but it’s either way... ...
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We have been away for a few days over Xmas, I turned the storage heaters down to 15β—‹ there is no heat coming out since I've turned them up to 21β—‹ after getting home, does that now mean, they will... ...
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Just bought a dark blue bed sheet and found white specks. Washed it and used it again, same thing. Clean them off and vacuum every morning but they reappear. Have used Dust Mite spray, but no... ...
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I love in a terraced house. I have an inserted gas fire with a flue that goes up into the loft. I think a mouse has come in this way as it has chewed the fire retarding material at the back. I... ...
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I know nothing about them. Are they bright enough to read by if I edge them round my ceiling? How are they powered? Plug in, hard wired etc Are they easy to install? I have a central light fitting and... ...
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Bought it on Saturday and there was a little charge in it so  used it for about 15 minutes - then according to instructions I started to charge - the red light constantly remains on and it should... ...
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Anyone had any experience of Plumbs or is it roughly the same price as buying a new sofa?  What are their prices and service for a standard two seater?  Thanks all 
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Our neighbours, who rent the property next door, have stacked their building materials right up against one of our fence panels, causing it to bow and protrude into our garden. The weight of the... ...
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I have two large agapanthus, new this year, and thriving, in pots. We lost a previous one last winter because we didn't protect it so this year I've been very careful with the new ones. After... ...
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I have read that the inhalation of smoke from open fires are as unhealthy to breathe in, as smoking.  Is there anything that is safe to burn in my open fireplace please? 
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Please can anyone advise. Earlier this year we had a leak under the kitchen floor which required about a 1m by 1/2m area of floor tiles lifted. I think they are probably some kind of vinyl... ...
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This new fridge seems VERY cold...or maybe my old one was warm? Looking at temperature I turn counter clock- wise to reduce temp? ...

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