You havn't said what sort of panels you have in mind.
I'd be going for close-boarded fencing which is fully constructed on site. In fact it is a relatively straightforward D.I.Y job; and panels can then be of whatever length and height you desire......Fix posts to wall and link with pairs of timbers (arris rails) to which are nailed,overlapping, feather edged boards.
A (such as Wickes) should have available all that you require and also be able to advise you on the actual method of construction. (fixing posts to wall etc. etc.)
The result should be a fence that sits neatly on top of the wall; which may not be the case if ready made panels are used. Furthermore, the top of a close-boarded can be sawn, after erected, to give a wavy top which I feel sure you may have seen and know what I mean. ( If only I could put a pencil drawing into AB)
Best wishes........Ron