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Destroyed bush

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deni_lou | 04:57 Wed 01st Sep 2004 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
What can I do about a neighbor cutting a bush in my yard without permission?


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Smack him one in the gob.

I would assume that you're talking about a bush the is on or near the boundary of your land otherwise the simplest thing to do is call the police and let them investigate the matter.

If it is the former then your neighbour is entitled to prune the branches overhanging onto his property but he should have contacted you before doing so to see if you would have obliged.

The use of the word yard and spelling of neighbour suggests to me that you live in the USA. As sft43 suggests, call the police if they are trespassing but if the bush is overhanging then the advice given is relevant to the UK but not necessarily to the USA.

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Destroyed bush

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