I went for a BBQ last Saturday ( in between the rain) and in the salad were little yellow tomatoes that had been grown by my friend in their garden. They were delicious and would like to grow some myself but I haven't a clue. I only have a patio so what is the best way, can I grow them in a tub and when do I plant them.
you can grow them in a tub in your garden. Only grow outside after the risk of frost has gone so May onwards in most of the UK. You can sow the seeds earlier inside on a widowsill and transplant into small pots. Alternatively buy young plants from a garden centre.
Just google growing tomatoes for loads more good info.
I had a yellow variety plant given me , I grew it in my greenhouse but although it as had loads of flowers I only got 2 tomatoes. I grew a red variety called tumbler ,3 plants to 1 hanging basket outside and have had loads of tomatoes.