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frying pan

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forbiebaby | 18:55 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
how to clean a badly stained/burnt frying pan


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is it non stick?

might be cheaper to buy another one.

otherwise soak it in hot water with washing powder/soda crystals for about 15 mins and give it a scrub with a scourer/brillo on the outside, wash the iside with something not as scratchy on the inside and make sure you give it a good rinse after.
Only this week I burnt a stainless steel pot and cleaned it with bicarbonate of soda - just added one heaped teaspoon (was a small pot) to virtually boiled water and cleaned it. Five minutes it was shining and no sign that it was burnt.
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thanks will certainly try this
If its not non-stick, try sand! Sounds crazy, but I have seen it done many years ago! Sand and a bit of water and a bit of elbow grease!

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