There is an excellent site called, if you google it you should find it. It gives idependent reviews as to the best machine and recommends 5 different makes as their top rated, these include Aeg, Bosch and Zannusi which is particularly rated as a good cheaper machine. Washerhelp makes a good point around the fact that you are better off paying the same money for a good quality machine with less 'bells and whistles' than a cheaper make i.e. indesit, but paying for their top of the range model. All machines in the range regardless of if they are top of the range or not, have the same innards and are likely to break down at the same rate. You are only paying for the extras which you hardly ever use anyway and not for a better quality from the same manufacturer.
Anyway visit the site to have a look, I bought a Bosche after reading the reviews.
Hope this helps, Sue