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radiator paint

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riptide | 11:01 Mon 04th May 2009 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Can anyone help, I have painted my radiators for a number of years with Dulux satin finish, which says it can be used on radiators. Also, when I got a painter in to do some work, he used similiar paint. Unfortunately, in places, it seems to be peeling off. I managed to completely strip back a couple of radiators, which took some weeks to do, even with paint stripper. However, I have two really big radiators which it would be impossible to do. Is it because I put this paint over emulsion do you think. There were previous owners to me and perhaps they used emulsion on the radiators. Could I give the radiators a really good rub down with emery paper and then put back emulsion to cure the problem. Anyone any ideas. Your comments appreciated.


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I certainly wouldn't paint emulsion on my rads. Just imagaine if you put damp towel on it when its sizzling hot?? mmm'm doesn't sound good. Rub & wash down, vinyl undercoat? and I personally would get some non- smelling hardwearing metallic paint (won't peel off after that!) And hey I'm only a novice - good luck!!!
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Thanks asza, will take your advice and keep it a go.

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radiator paint

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