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chili and chili pepper plants

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Kazzarooney | 18:13 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I've grown these from seed and they now have yellow flowers, should I pick these off? thanks guys


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Pick off the flowers and you'll never get any peppers. It's from the fetilised flowers that the fruits develop.

No. As with tomatoes, the flowers become the fruits, so the more the better. Here is a useful article:

Note the pollination advice.

What varieties are you growing? (I have 5 Dorset Nagas and 2 Demon Reds in a very hot conservatory).
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Thanks both, Whiffey I found that site just after I posted my question....glad I didn't dead head!! on closer inspection what I thought were leaves are chillis, the plants are covered in them. Fascinating that those spikey bits of grass like sprouts where the flowers were are chillis. They are about 2 inches long and look like a skinny fresh pea pods, I don't know what variety they are, It just said chilli peppers on the back (from Poundland). They're about 2/3 ft high with tiny yellow flowers. I have some on the windowsil and the others are in the garden in pots, on a table enjoying the sun. Thanks again for replying

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chili and chili pepper plants

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