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lg washing machine wont work

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aransford | 19:10 Wed 26th Aug 2009 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I have an Lg washing machine with error code de, can you tell me what this means as a didn't get a manual with it?


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Apparently DE means Door Error.

Maybe this will help: /Question483159.html
you can sometimes download a manual from the web

type in google the model number and the word usermanual see if you can find one
Door Error

Possible new door interlock required, without looking at it hard to say though, might just be a bad connection.

if you're going to look at the door lock for gawd sake disconnect the machine from the mains first, the door lock is live even when the machine is turned off on a lot of machine!
Question Author
Thank you so much for your answers I have now fixed my washing machine and it was a door error, I hope I will be able to repay the favour at some point. Thanks again!


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lg washing machine wont work

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