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triton mixer shower

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lisarae | 18:31 Mon 05th Jul 2010 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
we have recently installed a triton mixer shower, but for some reason only cold water is coming out no hot, originally it was scolding hot, but now freezing cold no happy medium, can anyone shed any light on this, not likely having baths in this weather lol

thanks in advance
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Which model is it Lisa ............. and is it thermostatic?
Do you have a Combi boiler or a roof tank and immersion cylinder?
Question Author
Its triton Luca mixer shower, we have a rooftank and immersion cylinder and yes it is thermostatic.
Obvious things like ........... debris not flushed out of the system before it was used. Could have bunged things up.
I'm trying to find out where you could get spares. Triton don't list it anymore ......... perhaps end of line therefore cheap ........ £60?
Shall keep looking
Question Author
was bought new from screwfix for £60 the whole unit, but thank u
OK Lisa ........... that's fine. It's still a good make and model. I could suggest dismantling it and look for obvious bung-ups ........... if you're confident.
Also, you could ring Triton Technical Dept.. Most big shower names have a tech number.

Maybe the cartridge is faulty. I've had an account with Screwfix for years. They're always quick to exchange anything faulty ........... no questions asked.
How long ago did you buy it?

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