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Fairy Active Bursts .....

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mrs.chappie | 23:08 Fri 13th Aug 2010 | Home & Garden
62 Answers
Has anyone tried these dishwasher tablets? (Pods?)


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I got the lemon ones, but have had both in the past, they're both really good, but I like the smell of the lemon ones!...................
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Don't mind at all.

Glad I'm not the only one who buys all these things and stashes them away. [:o)
poodi, so why were you and dris suspended then?......................
I do not know why,but must be on best behaviour cos dris is lol..
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Welsh .... are you from Wales? Just curious, your username is unusual. Is there a meaning behind it?
yes Mrs C, I am from Wales, I live in the South, in a lovely seaside town, Porthcawl, in between Swansea and Cardiff, however, I was born and raised in North Wales, which is equally as beautiful!.....
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I love the Welsh accent. Could listen to it all day.
Well, yes Mrs C, Iove our accent too!..................That's just as well really, because mine is very welsh!
Mrs C, meant to ask you, where abouts are you?................
Good evening, Mrs C.

The (very varied) reviews here might interest you:

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I'm in East Yorkshire, welsh .... a village called Willerby, on the outskirts of Hull. You may have heard of Hull .... not a good place to live, according to Kirsty Allsop and Phil Spencer. Our village is not bad though.
Just checked in my little trusty Welsh dictionary which tells me that the literal meaning of Porthcawl is 'Gateway to soup'. Wish our English towns had such evocative names.
for god sake mrs chappie only wanted an answer on her pods!
Hi mike, yes I saw that too, I think that 'gateway to soup' probably means to gateway to the estuary, the Bristol Channel begins about here and the seas can be very rough and soupy at times................and forget, we are just chatting here!.........Why have you a problem? one else seems to have!.................
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Hiya Chris, and thanks for that link!

Very mixed opinions there .... 'tis always good to hear the opinion of "one of us" though. [:o)

I don't suppose you have a dishwasher just for yourself, do you Chris? (Sorry if I am being too personal here - you may have had a gf move in since we last talked about that sort of thing .... many moons ago when I hoped you might pair up with Barmaid!)
Hi welsh do you speak with a great welsh drawl lol...
Yes poodi, I think I probably do speak with a strong welsh accent!............lived here all my life! it!...............
Sorry welsh want to say"Been for a Sugar harris"...
Does dim problem gen i, ond dw i'n ffeindio ieithoedd ac ystyron y geiriau'n ddiddorol iawn.
Dishwasher? No
Washing machine? No
Fridge? No

Things are rather basic in my house, Mrs C!

Barmaid obviously got rather worried about living less than 20 miles away from me (in Bury St Edmunds) 'cos she's now moved to Peterborough. Sob! ;-(

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