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Henry hoover?

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netibiza | 10:53 Wed 25th Aug 2010 | Home & Garden
29 Answers
Has anyone here got a Henry (or james or henrietta). Can you please tell me the weight of the hat bit (the motor) and the weight of the body without the hat on, also the length of the longest tube as I want to bring one over from England in luggage!! Many thanks.


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can't you just post it on YouTube these days?
why dont you see orice of delivery from amazon will prob be cheaper than plane to wherever you are. and buy with credit card so its insured to.
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Amazon won,t deliver to my neck of the woods cos there's no address!
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shaddup jno !!!
oh no, not another dismembered vac...does George know about this plan?
Apparently the whole thing weighs 6kg...I s'pose you know that.
lol jno :o)
surely a friend nearby must have an address?or the localpost office? do you live on the moon lol
Neti seriously, don't you have any address at all!!

Mind you, they probably all know you by your reputation:


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I live up a mountain, and the deleivery companies DHL, Seur can never find us and the items get returned before we kow about them. and amazon will only deliver to the address on the c/card, that's what they told me!
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all I want to know is the weight of the hat etc separately!

Robi, george is good but so heavy and useless at shampooing, so he's going and Henry is arriving!
That's odd neti, because they have a 'send to multi addresses option'... when did you last ask?
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A few months ago when I wanted an egg topper, they refused to send it here or to anyone elses address, it had to match credit card.
I bet Mr N's had a word with them, he's on to you & your secret shopping...George squealed :o)
thats really weird - i send gifts from amazon all the time to many different addresses
So have I , lots of times.
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Guess I look dodgy!

Anyway can we get back to the original q ?? I need to know!!
I'll nip to Comet tomorrow with my scales & dismantle one shall I...tut?
<rolls eyes>...just hide it in your cleavage.
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Thank you Robinia, I shall be waiting!
Net: I've just dismantled my Henry and the hat bit where the engine is weighs 4.6kg, the bottom part weighs 1kg, the long black hose measures 100 inches and the metal part of the hose is 49 ins.

I've had my Henry for quite a few years and love it! I've had more expensive hoovers before but they eventually pack up on me. My Henry has been the best at sucking and I would happily buy another one if it eventually dies on me!

Do they not sell Henry in Spain? I presume that's where you are living (lucky!).
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thank you so much scrummymummy, that is very kind of you, just what i needed to know. No they have to be ordered here,and then cost double if not more! and I have my private money in England so hubby cannot moan once it is bought! That is perfect, I can bring one back on the plane with me. Thank heavens for sensible ABers! x Once again, many thanks.

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