My understanding of the way this ‘scam’ is operating, is that a company agrees to install the system for free, and the first certain amount of electricity generated each quarter is credited to them. The UK government is complicit in this scam, in that they have mandated that the electricity generating companies buy such electricity at around 40p per unit (versus around 10p that they sell it for).
If you take a look at your most recent electricity bill, you will find that you are paying an extortionate rate for the first set of units consumed (to cover the cost to the generating companies of this scam). So the net gain to you will be minimal or zero, while the electricity generated is paid to the installer (at 40p per unit). The supposed gain to you is that after 20 years, the system is yours and no money is now paid to the installer.
There are two massive negatives with such a deal:
1: The system has a design life of less than 20 years.
2: Once you have signed up to such a contract, you will not be able to sell your house, as the buyer would have to agree to take on this arrangement.
I’m not going to mention who pays the repair/maintenance costs relating to the installation.
You have been warned – the only persons to gain from such installations are the installation companies.
The losers in this scam are all electricity users in the UK – who are paying for this nonsense.